The 5th MFW will promote restoration at Mediterranean level, to federate around forests various undergoing initiatives related to the Rio conventions, and to achieve those through an agenda of ambitious actions and collectively mobilizing all the technical and financial partners of the Mediterranean countries.
The Mediterranean Forest Week (MFW) is one of the major exchanges forums on Mediterranean forests, gathering stakeholders from different backgrounds (forest administrations, scientific and academic community, private sector, funders, civil society and NGOs). This event, taking place once every two years for a week, allows many discussions around a selected theme. After the 2010 edition in Antalya (Türkiye), the 2011 edition in Avignon (France), the 2013 edition in Tlemcen (Algeria) on “mitigation and adaptation strategies to cope with global changes”, and the 2015 edition in Barcelona (Spain) on the “role of Mediterranean forest value chains in a green economy”, Morocco will welcome the 5th edition of the Mediterranean Forest Week (MFW).
The vision of this 5th MFW is an approach to restoration requiring intersectoral coordination designed to promote productive and multifunctional territories, with an optimal and negotiated balance with local stakeholders in terms of economic, social and environmental benefits’ delivery. This vision of forest and landscape restoration (FLR), nowadays internationally recognized, allows for the promoting of synergies between the three Rio Conventions and for contributing to the Sustainable Development Goals.
The main issue to be addressed by the 5th MFW 5will be as follow: In which way will Mediterranean forest and landscape restoration efforts be contributing to reaching overall objectives on these issues? (Such as Bonn’s challenge, CBD Aichi’s target n°15, UNCCD’s land degradation neutrality objective, Paris’s agreement on Climate and the decisions taken at UNFCCC COP 22 in Marrakech and ODD n°15).
The 5th MFW will promote restoration at Mediterranean level, to federate around forests various undergoing initiatives related to the Rio conventions, and to achieve those through an agenda of ambitious actions and collectively mobilizing all the technical and financial partners of the Mediterranean countries.
Plan Bleu is an organizing member of this event, and more particularly of the following sessions:
• Overview: successful examples, restoration baselines around the Mediterranean
This session aims at highlighting the restoration activities at regional level, as an example of the principles presented during the first session on Monday afternoon. This highlight is built around two presentations, supported by practical examples of restoration, whether successful or not.
• Local governance, issues, methods and practical cases
This session is a part of the overview on restoration in the Mediterranean and aims at providing examples of practical cases, whether they are successful or not, restoration initiatives of Mediterranean forest and landscape that address the governance issue during their implementation, with the idea of disseminating good practices (successful cases) and identifying potential difficulties and their resolution paths.
Communication of Nelly Bourlion: Gouvernance locale : enjeux et méthodes
• Perspectives and difficulties for sustainable funding of the forest and landscape restoration
This session’s objectives are to share the lessons learnt and the Mediterranean region (and beyond) good practices regarding the innovations on restoration funding, to identify risks and barriers limiting funding and to propose risks mitigation approaches, to present and discuss emerging funding opportunities, and finally, to specify the key elements of a funding strategy for a potential Mediterranean Restoration Initiative.
Communication of Nelly Bourlion: The regional FFEM project: main lessons learned and evaluation