Green Public Procurement v.s. Environmental Taxation: implications for the EU-MENA environmental policy

Environmental policies are among the priorities of the UN agenda and figure highly in national and international policy agendas. This FEMISE MED BRIEF co-edited with Plan Bleu focuses on two environmental policy instruments – environmental taxes and green public procurement (GPP) – that differ in political viability and in the impact they have on consumers and producers. The document provides a comparative analysis of their efficiency in closed and open economy and reveals the opportunities and threats of (un)harmonised environmental policy across countries. The results allow to consider particular implications for the collaboration of EU-MENA countries.

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Application of the Multiscale Coastal Risk Index-Local Scale to Kotor Bay, Montenegro

Building on the “Gender-sensitive Climate Risk Assessment of Kotor Bay, Montenegro”, this report provides a downscaled application of the Multiscale Coastal Risk Index-Local Scale to

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Final Report: Application of the Climagine Methodology In support of development of the Kotor Bay Coastal Management, Montenegro

This final report compiles the outcomes of the four stakeholder engagement workshops for the Coastal Management Plan and the Climagine methodology in Kotor Bay. These

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Plan Bleu
Building the Mediterannean’s future together
Plan Bleu