Socio-economic assessment of goods and services provided by Mediterranean forest ecosystems. Methodological guide: factsheets and tools

In 2014, Plan Bleu has coordinated the production of a synthesis report on state-of-the art methods and tools of economic valuation of forest goods and services. The report was produced by the Mediterranean office of the European Forest Institute (EFIMED) and the Forest Research Centre of Catalonia (CTFC) as part of the project called «Optimizing the production of goods and services by Mediterranean forests ecosystems in the context of global changes», funded by the French Global Environment Facility (FGEF) and jointly entrusted to Plan Bleu and FAO (Secretariat of Silva Mediterranea).

This report has been completed with the production of factsheets which synthetically cover the various evaluation methods and estimation. Reading the technical report is recommended to illustrate the points presented in these methodological factsheets and deepen the subject.

The objectives of these methodological factsheets are:

  • To present an overview of the economic valuation methods that can be applied in the Mediterranean region.
  • To describe each economic valuation method and its applications to forest goods and services, with its characteristics and the procedures for implementation, illustrated through concrete examples.
  • To describe the characteristics and the application of two methods to help decision making (costbenefit analysis and multi-criteria analysis) that can be applied to the evaluation of alternative forest management scenarios.
This guide is for everyone concerned and interested in the socio-economic valuation of goods and services provided by Mediterranean woodland areas: managers, public or private owners, companies or individual or collective users in all sectors of activity, including agriculture, water management, protection of fauna and flora, forestry, tourism, leisure, etc.

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Plan Bleu
Building the Mediterannean’s future together
Plan Bleu