Call for papers : In-depth analysis of the desalination sector in the Mediterranean. A path towards sustainable unconventional water resources in a Mediterranean basin under climate change impacts and water resource scarcity?



In 1976, the Mediterranean-rim countries and the European Community adopted the Barcelona Convention to protect marine environment and its coastal areas. The necessity to collectively address development and environment in order to build a sustainable future for the Mediterranean is fully integrated by signatory countries. Plan Bleu is one the Regional Activity Centres of the Mediterranean Action Plan (MAP) of United Nations Environment Programme (UNEP), put in place by France since 1977. Plan Bleu notably produces studies and scenarios for the future in order to raise awareness of Mediterranean stakeholders and decision-makers regarding environment and sustainable development issues in the region. The following call for papers, initiated by Plan Bleu, aims to explore in a way as complete as possible, the various aspects of the desalination sector, which is still controversial today. By addressing specific themes related to these non-conventional water resources (offer), Plan Bleu hopes to go further in its assessment of the sustainability of the sector and to enlighten Mediterranean decision-makers in their understanding of it. This Call for Papers seamlessly aligns with a global context emphasizing sustainability and international cooperation for water resources conservation, balanced uses and distributions (demand). By harmonising its efforts with the guidelines of institutions such as UNEP, UNDP, OECD and the FAO with initiatives such as the Mediterranean Strategy for Sustainable Development (MSSD) and with the taxonomies of the European Union, the Plan Bleu underlines a strong commitment to the coherence and convergence of environmental actions across the different policy strata.


Since 2010, Plan Bleu has been studying and researching the issue of desalination in the Mediterranean, publishing various intellectual products (thematic notes, summary reports and interactive maps). In the wake of the deployment of a sustainable blue economy and blue growth ; the intellectual productions of Plan Bleu have enlighten the opportunities and risks linked to the desalination sectors (February 2024), the variability of economic costs induced by desalination in the Mediterranean (June 2024) and a state of art on the mitigation measures for desalination impacts (June 2024). Aligned with these publications, 22 interactive maps (2023-2024) have been published with Plan Bleu’s observatory tool (MapX), exploring different datasets from theDesalData Database (GWI).
L’ensemble des productions met en évidence les enjeux majeurs associés au secteur du dessalement en Méditerranée et propose des analyses comparatives entre les pays.
De plus, les études ont appliqué une variété de méthodologies analytiques aux différentes composantes du dessalement, à l’échelle du bassin méditerranéen (études comparatives des technologies des systèmes de production, des capacités de production, des écosystèmes clients, des variations des dépenses d’investissement et d’exploitation et de l’analyse des impacts environnementaux).
All of the productions highlight the major issues associated with the desalination sector in the Mediterranean and propose comparative analyses between countries. Moreover, studies have applied a variety of analytical methodologies to the various components of desalination, on the scale of the Mediterranean basin (comparative studies of production system technologies, production capacities, customer ecosystems, variations of the investment and operational expenses and analysis of the environmental impacts).
However, diverse limitations and precautions also remain in Plan Bleu achievements, mainly related to the datasets used, to the multidisciplinary nature and complexity of the issues arising from the desalination sector. Therefore, in order to strengthen knowledge on this sector and to improve the sharing of good practices throughout the Mediterranean basin and with the Contracting Parties to the Barcelona Convention, this call for tenders proposes a series of areas of work around the theme of desalination, promoting scientific research by means of calls for scientific articles, in order to stimulate the academic sphere and the branch of research and innovation associated with the sector. In accordance with the UNEP/MAP Programme of Work 2024-2025, adopted by the COP 23 (Portoroz, Slovenia, 4 – 8 December 2023), Plan Bleu has to
“elaborate Protocols to facilitate integration of more stringent sustainability criteria into desalination sector”. ” approach concept.


This call for papers invites researchers and other experts to explore new methodologies, approaches and insights into the field of desalination sector, focusing on the Mediterranean region and its diversity of socio-economic contexts. All papers must present evidence-based analyses and propose a set ( minimum 3 criteria) of pragmatic sustainability criteria (in accordance to the COP23 decision mentioned above) to enhance sustainability and resilience of the sector.In fine, a capitalization report will be produced by Plan Bleu once all scientific papers will be submitted, reviewed and approved. This one will gather key results of each paper and will structure and promote the proposed sustainability criteria, linked to the associated research topics. This approach will therefore contribute to supporting the implementation of the Barcelona Convention and its seven protocols (UNEP/MAP) – in particular the LBS Protocol – by the Contracting Parties and will refine the proposed guidelines for non-conventional water resources. Papers with different focuses are welcome, here are some of the expected areas of research:

1. Added value of innovative technologies for the operation of desalination plants

Articles dealing with the dimension of technological innovation could look at how new technologies such as renewable energies, miniaturization or artificial intelligence algorithms could enhance the sustainability of the desalination plants. The expected benefits could be assessed and discussed. On the other hand, such papers could also analyze the impacts of other socio-economic drivers which may favor or hinder the technological innovations to develop, for given Mediterranean regions.

2. Mitigation of environmental and social impacts

This line of research is well documented but is still worthy to explore, notably through the « One Health ” approach concept. Indeed, The papers could examine and qualitatively/quantitatively compare the direct and indirect environmental impacts (induced by brine outfalls, additive chemical in the production systems, depletion of natural aquifers, etc.) and the potential means of mitigating them. Moreover, methods for assessing the performance of desalination plants in terms of energy efficiency and productivity. Following this idea, approaches to improving the sustainability of desalination projects, including carbon footprints reduction could be investigate. What’s more, the assessment of the potential social impacts on local communities and their social acceptability/perceptions of desalination plants could be explored.

3. Related economy and financial viability of the desalination sector

Economist experts could in-depth analyze the viability of the desalination sector in the Mediterranean regions. Papers could include different economical tools such as econometric models, costs-benefit analysis, benchmarking analysis, etc. In that sense, the results of the economic models projections may provide relevant insights on the economical sustainability of the desalination sector and therefore potential pathways to explore such as circular economy, at different geographical and temporal scales. Benchmarking analysis on water demand and other non-conventional water resources (for instance wastewater reuse) could be interesting.

4. Improving governance resources and regulatory tools for a more sustainable desalination industry

Papers could explore the regulatory frameworks (Protocols, Directives, laws, etc.), national strategies and other executive tools which apply to the desalination sector. Comparative perspectives (Country to Country) may provide significant information on how different countries approach desalination sectors at different government levels (local, regional and national). Oppositely, Country-Specific or Intra-National dimensions may bring relevant information on local political dynamics which may shape the design of desalination plant projects. Therefore, case studies could be highlighted in that sense.


The Call for Papers is open to all experts and researchers working on relevant topics in Mediterranean countries that are Contracting Parties to the Mediterranean Action Plan of the United Nations Environment Programme (UNEP/MAP). If pre-selected, candidates must demonstrate their legal capacity to sign contracts and issue invoices according to the legislation of their country. Researchers from the Southern Mediterranean, including women and PhD graduates, are encouraged to participate.


Interested researchers are invited to submit by
November 15th 2024, the following 2 documents:

1. A detailed concept note for the research paper (3 to 5 pages), including:

a) A cover page (1 page) with:

The summary of the paper stating:– The objectives of the papers, aligned with the call for papers Themes
– Rigorous methodology/approach– Expected results and sustainability criteria

b) Presentation of the author(s) and the topic of the research as follow:

– Name(s) of the author(s)– Their affiliation(s)– Contact details (including email)– Address, city and country– Which of stated topics of the research they will be addressing
The remaining pages of the concept note should include the following:

a) Statement of research stating the problem addressed, brief review of the literature, the knowledge gaps the paper will address and a preliminary outline.

b) Research methodology stating the research question, the hypothesis to be tested, the methodology (e.g case studies, empirical evidence, etc.) and the rationale for using the selected methodology.

c) Expected results and policy implications (with sustainability criteria) : how will the outputs and results of the research translate into policy recommendations. Recommendations must be linked to the analysis, be specific and operational.

    2. The CVs of the author(s) including list of publications

By 29 November 2024,he selection process will be finalized, the selected concept notes will be announced, contracts will be signed and work will begin on the documents.


A minimum of 7 proposals (10 papers maximum) will be selected by Plan Bleu. Proposals will be evaluated by Plan Bleu and selected based on objective criteria including:

– a concise and structured presentation of the research objectives and of the Paper,– the relevance and originality of the topic and its policy relevance and,– the inclusion of an indicative list of references.Other criteria: Final selection may be subject to adjustments to take into account regional, subjects and gender balances. Previously published papers or those already accepted for publication will not be accepted. All submitted drafts will go through a plagiarism-checking process. No single author may submit more than two papers, whether independently or jointly with others. Draft papers should be submitted in English. Submissions that are not consistent with the above guidelines will be excluded.


– Author(s) of the selected concept notes will be asked to submit a first draft (15 pages of text and 20 pages with the illustrations)of the research paper by March 31st 2025.– A peer review process will follow from March 31st to May 15th 2025. During this review cycle, one or two meetings will be organized between the experts and the Plan Bleu’s Review Committee. Feedback (potential comments / suggestions) will be shared and incorporated to provide a final version of the document should be submitted by July 30th 2025.– A feedback event will be organized inSeptember 2025 depending on the availability of the experts). This event will provide an opportunity to present the successful papers and to anticipate the capitalization report (which will be produced and disseminated by Plan Bleu).

– Finally, during the three following month, by November 28th 2025,Plan Bleu will produce the final capitalization report and will disseminate it in its Mediterranean stakeholders networks and other distribution channels.


– Each Paper will be awarded with €2,500 gross. A first payment (50%) will be provided after successful selection of the draft. A second payment (30%) will be provided on receipt of the first draft of the paper. A third (final) payment (20%) will be provided after the final draft is submitted, provided that the peer review is positive and that the Paper meets the established quality standards.

– Flights and accommodation to the Plan Bleu’s restitution event will be covered for selected authors (one author per paper). Coverage of the travel expenses is restricted to the geographic area covered by Plan Bleu (21 Mediterranean Countries of Barcelona Convention).


November 15th 2024: Deadline for Submission of Draft Concept Notes;

November 29th 2024: Review, selection Process, announcement of selected Concept Notes, Contractualisation and launching work on the papers ;

March 31st 2025: Submission of the first draft (15-20 pages) ;

End of March / 15th May 2025: Peer review Process ;

30th July 2025 : Submission of final versions of the selected papers ;

September 2025: Restitution event ;

September 2025 / November 28th 2025: Production and diffusion of capitalization report by Plan Bleu.


For any inquiries related to this call, please contact :

Mr. Samson Bellières, Project officer, blue and green transition projects at Plan Bleu

[email protected], with the subject line: Plan Bleu Call for Papers