BLUEMED – Short foresight report on cruising, yachting and recreational boating in the Mediterranean

This report is based on the findings of the project BlueBoatsMed, a BLUEMED Initiative Start Up Action. The project brought together Mediterranean stakeholders with complementary expertise in the domain of cruise and recreational boating with the aim to: I) analyze the prospects for further and sustainable expansion of the two sectors;

II) agree upon main environmental or societal challenges associated to the expansion that the two sectors are expected to experience; III) identify promising innovations to address such challenges, and the conditions necessary for their scaling up and uptake; IV) help outline guidelines for a Mediterranean transition to sustainable cruise and recreational boating.

A total of 25 experts went through these four steps at the occasion of four brainstorming meetings (webinar in April 2019, face-to-face meeting in Genova, Italy in June 2019; face-toface meeting in Marseille, France in November 2019, webinar in October 2020). as well as in a scoping note for further activities and the attached results matrix. Annex I shows the BlueBoatsMed infographic, that provides a visual overview of the BlueBoatsMed process.


Rapport rédigé par : Raffaele Mancini et Lina Tode, Plan Bleu

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Building the Mediterannean’s future together
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