Make the Mediterranean a cooperation area for sustainable development
Make the Mediterranean a cooperation area for sustainable development
Further to its three years of implementation (2016-2019) under the name of InnoBlueGrowth project, the Blue Growth Community comes back with new members and aims to set fresh recommendations.
The Community aims to build its reflections towards the implementation of a sustainable blue economy in the Mediterranean, by strengthening its links with key players at several levels in the blue sectors and by seeking more integration with other communities to reach cross-cutting results in order to meet common challenges.
Plan Bleu is partner of Blue Growth Community.
The 2020-2021 activities of Plan Bleu in the blue economy sector focus on the following sub-themes:
– Renewable marine energies
– Desalination
Click on each sub-topic to learn more.
Blue Economy in the Mediterranean. Policy paper..
November 2019
Plan Bleu is also involved in 2 other projects of the Interreg Med Programme 2019-2022:
The Blue Growth Community organises its First Annual Assembly event in Montpellier, France, 4-5 February 2020.
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