Sustainable development

As the UNEP/MAP Regional Activity Centre acting as an observatory of the environment and development in the Mediterranean, Plan Bleu ensured the technical work supporting the Review process of the Mediterranean Strategy for Sustainable Development (MSSD), in close collaboration withUNEP/MAP Coordinating Unit acting as Secretariat of the Barcelona and the Mediterranean Commission on Sustainable Development (MCSD), with the help of the other RACs. Adopted in 2005 by the Parties, MSSD 2005-2015 had already received the scientific and technical support from Plan Bleu.

Mediterranean Strategy for Sustainable Development (MSSD 2016-2025)

At their 18th ordinary meeting (COP18) held in Istanbul (Türkiye) in December 2013, the riparian countries requested UNEP/MAP-Barcelona Convention to launch the MSSD Review process. This process was implemented during biennium 2014-2015 and, at the end, Contracting Parties to the Barcelona Convention approved MSSD 2016-2025 at COP19 (Athens, Greece, 9-12 February 2016).

MSSD 2016-2025 is the result of over two years of intensive collaborative work within the MAP system and beyond, as described in this webpage. MSSD 2016-2025 was developed through a highly inclusive process, in which all member States and regional key stakeholders had the opportunity to participate. Involvement, support, and substantial contributions from many regional and national organizations and stakeholders were crucial to develop this important document.

Although facilitated by the MAP system, it is the participation of all stakeholders that will play a decisive role in the delivery of the Strategy, from national and local governments to civil society, academia, private sector, and the support of regional institutions. That is why we rely on you to maintain your valuable commitment for the implementation of the Strategy!

Download the MSSD 2016-2025

More information:

Processes and steps

Simplified Peer Review Mechanism (SIMPEER) of National Strategies for Sustainable Development

Indicators for the monitoring the implementation of the Mediterranean Strategy for Sustainable Development 2016-2025

More information

Plan Bleu
Building the Mediterannean’s future together
Plan Bleu