Report of the Inception Workshop “Implementation of the Ecosystem Approach in the Mediterranean: strengthening the science-policy interface”

The workshop, held on December 15-16th, 2015 in Sophia Antipolis, France, gathered 44 participants from the South, East and North of the Mediterranean representing Contracting Parties to the Barcelona Convention, scientific and research institutions and projects, NGO’s and UNEP-MAP components.

The workshop’s main objective was to foster the exchange of information between scientists and policy makers and highlight key policy challenges requiring scientific inputs in relation to monitoring, environmental assessment and new measures.

It was organized in the framework of EcAp, a specific process under the UNEP/MAP whereby the Contracting Parties to the Barcelona Convention have committed to implement the ecosystem approach in the Mediterranean with
the ultimate objective of achieving the good environmental status (GES) of the Mediterranean Sea and Coasts.

The workshop’s main objective was to foster the exchange of information between scientists and policy makers and highlight key policy challenges requiring scientific inputs in relation to monitoring, environmental assessment and new measures.


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