Mapping and assessment of the state of wetland ecosystems: a Mediterranean perspective in 2022

This report is part of the efforts of the Mediterranean Biodiversity Protection Community (MBPC), led by ETC-UMA and supported by the Regional Activity Centre Plan Bleu, in collaboration with several key Mediterranean institutions, partners and members of the advisory board of the MBPC focusing on wetland ecosystems, and is co-financed by the Interreg Mediterranean programme. It aims to fill a major knowledge gap in the region by setting a Mediterranean-wide knowledge base on wetland ecosystems following the Ramsar definition of wetlands. The wetland ecosystem mapping is complemented by the assessment of wetland biodiversity conditions that aims to highlight priority areas for potential conservation and restoration actions in the region, and to support the regional efforts in advocating for effective wetland management and nature-based solutions in the Mediterranean region. . This publication also supports regional and national inventories, filling a major regional gap locating Mediterranean wetland habitats, and feeding regional and global agendas, namely the EU Biodiversity Strategy to 2030, the Mediterranean Strategy for Sustainable development as well as the one linked to the Ramsar Convention.

This report was presented during the eventA Green Deal for Mediterranean wetlands: building resilience through collaborative management”” on June 3, 2021

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Building the Mediterannean’s future together
Plan Bleu