Climate change and energy in the Mediterranean

According to the latest IPCC report, the Mediterranean, its Southern and Eastern banks in particular, will be more seriously affected by climate change during the 21st century than many other regions of the world. The impact of higher temperatures, less rainfall, more frequent and intense extreme events and the possible rise in sea levels all add up, intensifying the humanactivity related pressure which is already being exerted on the natural environment.

Energy lies at the very heart of the climate change issue. On the one hand, it is the sector which emits most greenhouse gases. On the other hand, production is constrained by the climate. And finally, energy demand is shooting up. But uncontrolled growth in energy demand and CO2 emissions are not inevitable. Investing in energy efficiency and renewable forms of energy today will present a real economic advantage by 2015, whilst helping to mitigate the effects of climate change.

This is what is evidenced by the study which is available on the EIB and Blue Plan websites providing a complete picture of the issues and challenges to be faced by the Mediterranean states.

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Plan Bleu
Building the Mediterannean’s future together
Plan Bleu