Activity report 2014

The Blue Plan mobilized from the beginning of 2014 on the revision of the Mediterranean Strategy for Sustainable Development (WSSD) by launching a broad consultation exercise contributing to the evaluation of THESD 1.0 (adopted in 2005) and the identification of the axes of the WSSD 2.0.

The Blue Plan mobilized from the beginning of 2014 on the revision of the Mediterranean Strategy for Sustainable Development (WSSD)   by launching a broad consultation exercise contributing to the evaluation of THESD   1.0 (adopted in 2005) and the identification of the axes of the WSSD 2.0.

This activity report   is structured according to the axes adopted by the STEERING COMMITTEE of the CMDD   in June 2014 in Malta after a phase of broad consultation conducted by Plan Bleu:

  1. Ensuring sustainable development in marine and coastal areas
  2. Promoting resource management, food production and security through sustainable forms of rural development
  3. Planning and managing sustainable Mediterranean cities
  4. Addressing climate change as a priority for the Mediterranean
  5. Transitioning to a green and blue economy
  6. Improve governance in support of sustainable development.

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Plan Bleu
Building the Mediterannean’s future together
Plan Bleu