Side event “Blue economy” – 18th Meeting of the MCSD

In the framework of the MAP Programme of Work for 2018-2019, Plan Bleu has identified and assessed case studies on the blue economy with the ultimate aim to provide a Mediterranean perspective of the main blue economy issues and challenges and building recommendations for a transition towards a Mediterranean blue economy in line with SDG 14 “Conserve and sustainably use the oceans, seas and marine resources for sustainable development”.

At the 18th Meeting of the Mediterranean Commission on Sustainable Developement (MCSD), held in Budva (Montenegro) on 11 June 2019, the Report “Blue Economy in the Mediterranean: Case Studies, Lessons and Perspectives” collecting the preliminary findings of such activity was presented in the framework of a dedicated side-event. It was a unique opportunity to provide MCSD Members and regional partners with an overview of the Report, present and discuss the lessons learnt and recommendations drawn by the case studies in the different maritime sectors and discuss, on the basis of the case studies presented, the transition towards a sustainable and inclusive blue economy in the Mediterranean.

Plan Bleu
Building the Mediterannean’s future together
Plan Bleu