Supporting transition initiatives toward ecological et sustainable marine economics. Providing a package of data to various economic actors and guiding them in their choices, while trying to get funding to help them in their development.

Make the Mediterranean a cooperation area for sustainable development
Make the Mediterranean a cooperation area for sustainable development
Home » Supporting the transition towards a green and blue economy
Supporting transition initiatives toward ecological et sustainable marine economics. Providing a package of data to various economic actors and guiding them in their choices, while trying to get funding to help them in their development.
Collecting data in several domains, and leading huge studies on various topics, to cross knowledge from different sciences. Linking Mediterranean socioeconomics peculiarities to environmental data,
Spotlight fight against climate change in the communication with the decision-makers. Trying to impose a vocabulary focused on environment. Standardizing more consultative toward the scientific
Supporting transition initiatives toward ecological et sustainable marine economics. Providing a package of data to various economic actors and guiding them in their choices, while
Leading prospective exercises, i.e. the writing of potential scenarios on the socioeconomic and environmental evolution based on experts’ researches from various domains. The current exercise
Collect environmental data and condensate them in reports sent to political institutions, to enlighten them in their decision-making. Creating websites like “L’Observatoire” which gather researches
Collecting data in several domains, and leading huge studies on various topics, to cross knowledge from different sciences. Linking Mediterranean socioeconomics peculiarities to environmental data,
Spotlight fight against climate change in the communication with the decision-makers. Trying to impose a vocabulary focused on environment. Standardizing more consultative toward the scientific
Supporting transition initiatives toward ecological et sustainable marine economics. Providing a package of data to various economic actors and guiding them in their choices, while
Leading prospective exercises, i.e. the writing of potential scenarios on the socioeconomic and environmental evolution based on experts’ researches from various domains. The current exercise
Collect environmental data and condensate them in reports sent to political institutions, to enlighten them in their decision-making. Creating websites like “L’Observatoire” which gather researches
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