Make the Mediterranean a cooperation area for sustainable development
Make the Mediterranean a cooperation area for sustainable development
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In 2024, Plan Bleu continues to intensify its efforts to raise awareness for the preservation of the Mediterranean. We have created “Les Rendez-vous du Plan Bleu”: a series of webinars hosted by experts to discuss current environmental issues in the Mediterranean. The eighth edition of Les Rendez-vous du Plan Bleu will focus on “The Costs and Benefits of Marine Protected Areas (MPAs).” MPAs play a
In 2024, Plan Bleu aims to go further in raising awareness for the preservation of the Mediterranean. We have come up with “Les rendez-vous du Plan Bleu”: an online meeting hosted by Mediterranean environmental experts to present and decode a current topic. The seventh edition of “Les Rendez-vous du Plan Bleu”, organized in collaboration with Tour du Valat: “How to Restore a Wetland? Case studies
Are you between 18 and 30 years old? Join us for an engaging webinar as we delve into the dynamic world of youth involvement in sustainable development in the Mediterranean region. You will explore the vital role of the MED Youth group in shaping the future of the Mediterranean region through their active participation in the Mediterranean Commission on Sustainable Development (MCSD) and the revision
Nice, 27-29 October 2015: Plan Bleu, in cooperation with FAO, organized the final results restitution workshop of the project « Optimizing the production of goods and services by Mediterranean forests in a context of global changes », funded by the French Facility for Global Environment (FFEM). Regional Workshop of the…
Read moreDurban (South Africa), 7-11 September 2015: In the framework of the XIV World Forestry Congress, Plan Bleu organized the International Forests & Water Dialogue, a two-day special event that saw the finalization and launch of the Five-year Forests and Water Action Plan. Plan Bleu participated in the XIV World Forestry…
Read moreSophia-Antipolis (France), 7-8 July 2015: In the context of the project “A blue economy for a healthy Mediterranean – Measuring, Monitoring and Promoting an environmentally sustainable economy in the Mediterranean region” founded by the Fondation MAVA, Plan Bleu organized the first Advisory Board Meeting. In the context of the project…
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