Towards policy recommendations on sustainable tourism: shaping the results of the MED Community


The Third capitalisation event of the MED Sustainable Tourism Community was held on 27-28 March 2019 in Split (Croatia). The community continued the work on strategic topics of the Mediterranean tourism sector, started in Marseille in November 2018, in order to elaborate policy recommandations.

Towards policy recommendations on sustainable tourism: shaping the results of the MED Community“, the third capitalisation event of the MED Sustainable Tourism Community, was held on 27-28 March 2019 in Split (Croatia).

The community continued the work on strategic topics of the Mediterranean tourism sector, started in Marseille in November 2018, with the facilitation of external experts.

In order to elaborate the final work including policy recommandations, the participants worked during two sessions within 4 thematic workshops :

  • Workshop 1: Monitoring the sustainability of tourism: what are the knowledge gaps of policy-making processes? How to bridge the data gaps on tourism?
  • Workshop 2: Reducing the environmental-cultural-social impacts of tourism in the Mediterranean region
  • Workshop 3: Tourism as a strategic driver for a sustainable and responsible economic growth and prosperity in the Mediterranean region
  • Workshop 4: Governance mechanisms to engage and to include a wide variety of stakeholders in a more sustainable and responsible tourism.


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