Towards implementation of energy efficiency indicators in Southern and Eastern Mediterranean countries

Cairo, November 29, 2012: Regional seminar on the results and prospects of the project conducted by RCREEE and Plan Bleu and aiming at the implementation of energy efficiency indicators in 10 Southern and Eastern Mediterranean countries.

The RCREEE (Regional Center for Renewable Energy and Energy Efficiency) and Plan Bleu, with the support of MED-ENEC project, conducted since the end of 2009 a project aiming at the implementation of energy efficiency indicators in 10 Southern and Eastern Mediterranean countries, namely: Morocco, Algeria, Tunisia, Libya, Lebanon, Palestinian Authorities, Jordan, Syria and Yemen.

The objective was to design a set of indicators for the energy situation’s monitoring and evaluation in each country as well as in the concerned region. This project also has a strong connection with the development of Nationally Appropriate Mitigation Actions (NAMAs) in the framework of the current climate negotiations, as well as with the monitoring and the evaluation of the National Energy Efficiency Action Plans (NEEAPs), currently under development in the framework of the Arab Directive on energy efficiency.

A final regional seminar on this project’s results and prospects was held in Cairo (Egypt) on 29 November 2012. Some fifty decision-makers and experts in charge of these questions, and more especially the various ministries and national agencies in charge of energy in those 10 countries, heard about as well as discussed the results of these works carried out by country teams (one expert and one RCREEE focal point per country) along with a regional technical coordination.

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