Seminar: Towards a Sustainability Charter for mediterranean tourism destinations


Sophia Antipolis, December 3, 2012 : This seminar brought together a group of tourism experts from the Northern and Southern Mediterranean countries, as well as some institutions working on sustainable tourism in the Mediterranean region.

On 3 December 2012, the seminar entitled « Towards a Sustainability Charter for tourism destinations”was held in Sophia Antipolis at the initiative of Plan Bleu. It brought together a group of tourism experts from the Northern and Southern Mediterranean countries, as well as some institutions working on sustainable tourism in the Mediterranean region such as the Italian Institute of Communication, the Chamber of Commerce and Industry of Nice Côte d’Azur and the “Europarc” Federation.

Discussion revolved around the components of a « toolbox » – components produced by Plan Bleu – which could support those destinations willing to improve their tourism sustainability. A Sustainability Charter – applicable at Mediterranean tourism destinations’ level – would be the basis and the starting point of the process initiated by those tourism territories on a voluntary basis.

See the studies carried out on tourism between 2009 and 2012

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