Plan Bleu is leading round tables and workshops at the Forum des Mondes Méditerranéens

Organized on the initiative of the President of the Republic, the Mediterranean Worlds Forum will be held in Marseille on February 7 and 8, 2022.

As an extension of the commitments made at the Sommet des deux rives in 2019, the Forum will bring together civil society actors from all over the Mediterranean around concrete solutions to meet our common challenges.
Six main themes will be in the spotlight:

  • Environment, biodiversity and sustainable development
  • Education, training, mobility
  • Inclusion and solidarity
  • Employment, innovation and entrepreneurship
  • Culture and heritage
  • Territories in the face of climate change

The Forum will also be an opportunity to highlight projects and proposals made by women and men committed to these subjects. Through exchanges, it will make it possible to create networks, build bridges and launch new initiatives geared towards youth and civil society.


We will be present at the following round tables:


Blue Economy – Opportunities and Prospects
February 7 5:15 – 6:30 p.m.

The Mediterranean region is a space for development which, if used sustainably, can bring economic prosperity and stability to the region through job creation, food security and trade opportunities. It is the blue economy that must be favoured, a low-polluting, circular and efficient economy in terms of resources, based on sustainable consumption and production models that do not compromise the integrity of marine and coastal ecosystems. It integrates a range of economic activities ranging from coastal and marine tourism to maritime transport, including fishing, aquaculture and renewable energies at sea, the potential of which will be discussed during this round table.


Introduction by Céline Dubreuil, our program director, Plan Bleu, to recall the definition of the Blue Economy, position the debate and the state of play in the Mediterranean as well as political will.

Then 4 speakers presenting case studies

  • Mauro Randone, World Wild Fund Mediterranean Marine Initiative
  • Bernardo Basurco, coordinator of the Coastal Zone Management and Fisheries working group, International Center for Advanced Mediterranean Agronomic Studies (CIHEAM) Zaragoza
  • Magali Outters, Policy Area team leader, Regional Activity Center for Sustainable Consumption and Production (SCP/RAC, Barcelona)
  • Hrvoje Carić, researcher and consultant, Institute of Tourism, Croatia

Moderator : Mme Sylvie Goyet (FPA2)


Climate Change Solutions
February 8 11 a.m. – 12:15 p.m.

Based on their first assessment report, the MedECC network of scientistsshows us that climatic and environmental changes in the Mediterranean region pose new challenges. The Mediterranean will have to adapt to these changes, but solutions do exist! TheThe experts of this round table will notably present the importance of basing decision-making on scientific evidence, of cooperating both atdifferent geographical levels and between different groups and of adapting responses to the contexts of each country.


  • Fatima Driouech,coordinator of the Mediterranean Experts on Climate and environmental Change (MedECC) network, Mohamed VI Polytechnic University, Morocco
  • Oula Amrouni, researcher, geologist specializing in sedimentology, National Institute of Marine Sciences and Technologies, University of Carthage, Tunisia
  • Olivier Blancheton, energy transition project manager) at ADEME, France
  • Simos Malamis, Hydrousa Coordinator, National Technical University of Athens, Greece

Moderator : Leïla Ghandi


We will also run workshops:


Adaptation to climate change in the coastal zone
February 8 2-2:45 p.m.

Average sea level rise in the Mediterranean is expected to accelerate by 2100. At this date, the average level
in the Mediterranean basin will probably be 37 to 90 cm higher than at the end of the 20th century,
coastal cities will be particularly affected. Coastal systems as we know them today
will be impacted like aquifers, World Heritage and other protected sites. During this workshop, the issues
related to climate change in the coastal zone will be approached in a playful and educational way, through the
comic strip “Voyage en anthropogène” by Marie-Charlotte Bellinghery and Joël Guiot.


Youth and sustainable tourism to save the Mediterranean
February 8 3 p.m. – 3:45 p.m.

The Mediterranean basin is a very attractive natural and cultural treasure, which makes it the number one tourist destination
in the world ! This mass tourism generates many pressures. If we wish to continue to travel within
the Mediterranean, we must commit to more sustainable tourism. Plan Bleu presents the tools and
initiatives developed for sustainable tourism. Come and meet academics, students, associations and
organizations that deploy solutions to safeguard the Mediterranean.



Other events


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In 2024, Plan Bleu continues to intensify its efforts to raise awareness for the preservation of the Mediterranean. We have created “Les Rendez-vous du Plan

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Rendez-vous du Plan Bleu #7 : How to Restore a Wetland? Case Studies and good Practices

In 2024, Plan Bleu aims to go further in raising awareness for the preservation of the Mediterranean. We have come up with “Les rendez-vous du

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Are you between 18 and 30 years old? Join us for an engaging webinar as we delve into the dynamic world of youth involvement in

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