Les Rendez-vous du Plan Bleu #4 : The Barcelona Convention – What are the concrete obligations to protect the environment?

In 2023, the Plan Bleu aims to go further in raising awareness for the protection of the Mediterranean. We have come up with “Les rendez-vous du Plan Bleu”: an online meeting hosted by Mediterranean environmental experts to present and decode a current topic.


The fourth edition of Les Rendez-vous du Plan Bleu will take place Thurdsday 6th of April 2023, from 9:30 to 1:h00 (Paris Time). The program will include presentations by the President of Plan Bleu, Guillaume Sainteny, as well as by Jean-Christophe Martin, Director of l’Institut de la paix et du développement and by Michel Prieur, Professor Emeritus at the Université de Limoges, on the following topic: the concrete obligations of protection of the environment resulting from the Barcelona Convention.



Detailed program:

Introduction by Plan Bleu’s Team

9:30: « The Barcelona Convention, a tool to safeguard the Mediterranean region », presentation by Guillaume Sainteny, President of Plan Bleu

9:45: « Seven Protocoles to protect the Mediterranean – What obligations for the State Parties ? », presentation by Jean-Christophe Martin, Director of l’Institut de la paix et du développement (IDPD)

10:00: « The exemple of coastal zone management – How does the ICZM Protocole get implemented ? », presentation by Michel Prieur, Professor Emeritus at the Université de Limoges

10:15: Questions and Answers with the public

10:45: Conclusion



To register: click here.

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