Kick-off meeting of the new phase of the MED Sustainable Tourism Community


The kick-off meeting of the new phase of the MED Sustainable Tourism Community, whose Plan Bleu is partner, took place on 2-4 March 2020 in Salou (Tarragona – Spain). This meeting was devoted to discuss on the foreseen activities for the upcoming years, to share results among the projects of the Community and, together and to start identifying results to be transferred and mainstreamed to policies.

The Interreg MED Programme Committee approved last 22th October 2019 the new generation of Horizontal projects that will coordinate the thematic communities of the programme till June 2022. The new Horizontal project within the axis 3.1., named Sustainable Tourism, replaces and is built upon the achievements of the BleuTourMed project.

The new generation of the MED Communities is focused on capitalisation of outputs and results of the projects of each Community.

The partnership of the Sustainable Tourism project has been reinforced with the participation of the following institutions: Barcelona Provincial Council (Lead partner), Latin Arc, UNIMED – Mediterranean Universities Network, University of Thessaly, Network of European Regions for a Sustainable and Competitive Tourism, Adriatic Ionian Euroregion, Plan Bleu and Regional Development Agency Green Karst.

In addition, 5 more Modular projects (DESTIMED+, SUSTOWNS, INCIRCLE, LABELSCAPE, WINTERMED) and 2 Strategic PANORAMED projects (SMARTMED, BEST MED) have been incorporated to the Community that now accounts 24 projects involving more than 200 entities dealing with sustainable tourism in the Mediterranean region.

The kick-off meeting of the new phase of the MED Sustainable Tourism Community, whose Plan Bleu is partner, took place on 2-4 March 2020 in Salou (Tarragona – Spain). This meeting was devoted to discuss on the foreseen activities for the upcoming years, to share results among the projects of the Community and, together and to start identifying results to be transferred and mainstreamed to policies.

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