General Assembly 2016

Plan Bleu’s General Assembly 2016 held in the premises of CIHEAM, in Paris, on 2nd June 2016. The activity report 2015 and the financial reports 2015 were presented to the Association’s members. The General Assembly also elected a new Bureau.

Plan Bleu’s General Assembly 2016 held on June 2nd, 2016 in the premises of CIHEAM in Paris. The activity report 2015 and the financial reports 2015 were presented to the Association’s members.

The General Assembly also elected a new Bureau:

  • Thierry Lavoux, Chairman
  • Aziza Akhmouch, Vice-chairwoman, in charge of water governance issues (new member)
  • Christian Avérous, Vice-Chairman, in charge of economic issues
  • Jean de Montgolfier, Secretary-General and Treasurer, in charge of rural issues
  • Aldo Ravazzi, Vice-Chairman, in charge of performance reviews
  • Jacques Theys, Vice-Chairman, in charge of prospective (new member).

Moreover Lucien Chabason was appointed Honorary Chairman by the Bureau.

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