Final Conference of the MED Biodiversity Protection Community


The Interreg Med Biodiversity Protection Community featured by the PANACeA project held its Final ConferenceEcosystem-Based Adaptation: pulse for transformative changes in the Mediterranean Sea” the 14-16 October 2019 in Malaga (Spain).

This three-day encounter was a unique occasion to share and celebrate the three years of work ensuring mechanisms and tools that support a more effective management of biodiversity supporting proper ecosystem functions across the Mediterranean.

On the first day of the event, the 14th October, was held the official signatory ceremony of the Declaration “Ecosystem based approach for biodiversity protection and management” launched at the European Parliament in December 2018 in Brussels.

Declaration “Ecosystem based approach for biodiversity protection and management”


The event then included various activities related to the latest achievements concerning collaborative science, management and policy using an ecosystem-based approach by more than twelve initiatives and over 200 institutions engaged in cooperation for conservation related actions. It also shed light on its major future steps and planned actions for the years to come aligned with post 2020 regional and global targets.

On 15 October, Elen Lemaitre-Curri, Plan Bleu’s director, moderated the first technical session on the state and trends of biodiversity in the Mediterranean, exploring the relevant trends evaluated in the State of Environment and Development report (SoED 2019) to be published in 2020.


More information on the website of the Community.


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