2nd ENI-SEIS II South workshop on indicators


Plan Bleu, in cooperation with European Environment Agency (EEA) and Mediterranean Action Plan organized the 2nd ENI-SEIS II South workshop on indicators on 17-18 April 2018 in Athens, Greece. This second workshop aimed to present in more details indicators methodological aspects, data availability, data gaps, corresponding data flows and infrastructures through hands-on thematic sessions and sharing of experiences and of best practices while with these indicators.

Plan Bleu, in cooperation with European Environment Agency (EEA) and Mediterranean Action Plan organized the 2nd ENI-SEIS II South workshop on indicators on 17-18 April 2018 in Athens, Greece.

On the basis of the work of the ad hoc Working Group on indicators and as a follow-up of the 1st regional workshop held in May 2017 in Copenhagen, the H2020 review mechanism has been refined and concepts notes developed to propose a renewed set of H2020 indicators developed reflecting H2020 priorities for 2015-2020 applicable to all Mediterranean countries, and in coherence with other existing cores sets on indicators including SDGs. Methodological guidance (factsheets specification) have been prepared for each H2020 thematic areas.

This second workshop aimed to present in more details indicators methodological aspects, data availability, data gaps, corresponding data flows and infrastructures through hands-on thematic sessions and sharing of experiences and of best practices while with these indicators.

Expected participants for this workshop were thematic experts in the area of water, waste and industrial emissions with practical experience with data and indicators production.

Download the report of the workshop with the full set of annexes

including the methodological factsheets of the indicators.

More information



Working documents

Provisional agenda

Methodological Specifications on Industrial Emission Indicators

Methodological Specifications on Water Indicators

Methodological specifications on waste indicators

Information documents

List of documents

Report of the regional meeting on PRTR and pollution indicators, Ankara, June 2014

Concept Note: Industrial Emission Indicators

Concept Note: Water

Concept Note: Waste Management

First draft of practical implementation guidelines on PRTR

Regional Analysis on Infrastructure

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