Regional seminar “Challenges and opportunities for renewable energy development and energy efficiency in the Mediterranean”

Marrakech (Morocco), 17 -19 april 2012 : Plan Bleu organized with the support of ADEREE and in cooperation with OME and RCREEE, a restitution seminar for the energy actors in the Mediterranean, in order to present the results as well as the questions raised by these works. Exchanges with participants will help also enrich the works achieved.

From 17 to 19 April 2012, in Marrakech (Morocco), Plan Bleu organized with the support of ADEREE and in cooperation with OME and RCREEE, a restitution seminar for the energy actors in the Mediterranean, in order to present the results as well as the questions raised by these works. Exchanges with participants will help also enrich the works achieved.

This seminar was a follow-up to the range of studies on energy issues in the Mediterranean, carried out by Plan Bleu since 2009, with the support of the European Investment Bank (FEMIP) :

  • development of energy scenarios based on strong hypothesis in terms of demand management, energy efficiency and renewable energies development
  • interaction between water/energy and climate issues – Morocco and Syria case studies
  • role of building sector inside the regional energy issue, especially within the SEMCs in the framework of strong demographic and urban development – Morocco, Lebanon, Tunisia case studies
  • socioeconomic impacts, more particularly on employment and training for renewable energies and energy efficiency development
  • Implementation of energy indicators both shared and integrated within the public policies’ decision-support tools, notably in the SEMCs.

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