Mediterranean forests: Plan Bleu partner of the new regional cooperation dynamics

Rome, 18-21 September 2012: Plan Bleu is fully involved in regional cooperation activities developed in the framework of the Collaborative Partnership on Mediterranean Forests.

Plan Bleu is fully involved in regional cooperation activities developed in the framework of the Collaborative Partnership on Mediterranean Forests.

Plan Bleu co-animated, on 18-21 September in Rome, the inception workshop and the Steering Committee meeting of the project ” Optimizing the production of goods and services by Mediterranean woodland ecosystems in a contact of global changes” funded by the French Global Environment Facility (FGEF), in close collaboration with the secretariat of the Secretariat of FAO Committee Silva Mediterranea with whom it shares the coordination of the project.

Plan Bleu also contributes to the preparation of the 3rd Mediterranean Forest Week (MFW), to be held on 17-21 March 2013 in Tlemcen (Algeria), and participated in the meeting of the organizing committee on 28 September in Rome. In this context, Plan Bleu is working with FAO to develop a first report on the State of Mediterranean Forests, which will be published on the occasion of the 3rd MFW, and is involved in the process of preparing a Strategic Framework for Mediterranean Forests. Plan Bleu participated in the expert workshop organized for this purpose on 8-13 September at the CIHEAM Mediterranean Agronomic Institute in Chania (Crete). Plan Bleu and FAO have also presented these various activities during the 21st session of the FAO Committee on Forests(COFO21) which was held in Rome from 24 to 28 September.

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