Expert workshop on the “Climagine” method – pilot process in Croatia

Šibenik,Croatia, April 8, 2013 : Expert workshop on the “Climagine” method organized in the frame of “Integration of climate variability and change into national strategies for Integrated Coastal Zone Management” project.

In the frame of “Integration of climate variability and change into national strategies for Integrated Coastal Zone Management” project, an expert workshop on the “Climagine” method, was organised in Šibenik (Croatia) on April 8th, 2013.

The objective of this workshop was to present to the local stakeholders the hitherto development of the “Climagine” method, based on the “Imagine” developed and implemented by Plan Bleu, and to launch its implementation as a pilot process in the county of Šibenik-Knin, Croatia.

The workshop, jointly organised by the Plan Bleu, PAP/RAC and the County within the GEF MedPartnership project, was attended by 50-odd participants; representatives of national, regional and local authorities and institutions, academic community and NGOs.

The participants were introduced to the issue of climate variability and change, and the “Climagine” methodology and then were divided into 4 working groups. Their task was to discuss the various issues relevant to the coastal management in view of climate change and identify those of highest priority.

The participants committed themselves to attend the two more workshops to be organised within this project, whose ultimate goal is to establish an integrate coastal zone management plan for the coastal municipalities of the County, with special focus on climate variability and change.


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