BleuTourMed’s Kick-off Meeting


Built on a transnational partnership with strong knowledge and experience on integrated coastal management and sustainable tourism policies, BleuTourMed aims at supporting maritime and coastal sustainable tourism in the Mediterranean region. A Kick off Meeting was held in Villa Méditerrannée in Marseille on 16th and 17th of March 2017.

Built on a transnational partnership with strong knowledge and experience on integrated coastal management and sustainable tourism policies, BleuTourMed aims at supporting maritime and coastal sustainable tourism in the Mediterranean region. BleuTourMed is a horizontal project co-funded by the European Regional Development Fund through the Interreg Med Programme.

One of the main objectives of BleuTourMed is to bring together projects and institutions working on similar issues to identify common working areas, avoid duplication of efforts and multiply the impact of project results and events by extending their outreach. Networking and cooperation among sustainable tourism projects and people are essential.

To help us reinforce the links among the community of selected modular projects and the BleuTourMed partners, a Kick off Meeting was held in Villa Méditerrannée in Marseille on 16th and 17th of March 2017.

Partners from the 14 modular projects ALTER ECO – BLUEISLANDS – BLUEMED – CASTWATER – CO-EVOLVE – CONSUME-LESS – DestiMED – EMbleMatiC – MEDCYCLETOUR – MEDFEST – MITOMED+ – ShapeTourism – SIROCCO – TOURISMED were present, as well as associated partners, the Interreg Med Programme Joint Secretariat and BleuTourMed project team.

This meeting is a key component in the design and implementation of BleuTourMed’s activities and deliverables. It presented the action plans for communication, community building and capitalization, and entailed interactive sessions and networking opportunities to start creating synergies and cross‑fertilization between the projects.

More information on BleuTourMed…

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