International conference “Strengthening the Science-Practice-Policy interface in Blue Growth”


This capitalization and community building event, held on 16 and 17 April 2019 in Marseille (France), highlighted the main results expected from blue growth projects in terms of knowledge transfer from research to industry and policy makers.

Plan Bleu co-organized with the partners of the InnoBlueGrowth project an international conference entitled “Blue growth: Strengthening the Science-Practice-Policy interface” in the Mediterranean region, which was held on 16 and 17 April 2019 in Marseille , in France.

The InnoBlueGrowth project – or “Horizontal Communication & Capitalization project for Innovation in Blue Growth at Mediterranean level” (Interreg MED), led by the National Interuniversity Consortium for Marine Sciences (CoNISMa) and counting on the experiences of the Association of Mediterranean Chambers of Commerce and Industry (ASCAME), the Intermediterranean Commission of the Conference of Peripheral Maritime Regions (CPMR), Plan Bleu, the National Technical University of Athens (NTUA), and the University of Montenegro, aims at ensuring the communication and capitalization activities of thematic projects dealing with Blue Growth issues in order to increase their impacts towards common identified targets. Its activities are focused on the increase of the transnational activity of innovative clusters and networks of key sectors of the Mediterranean area.

This capitalization and community-building event highlighted the main deliverables of Blue Growth projects in terms of knowledge transfer from research to industry and to policy-makers.

Press Release


Information Note

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