Water demand management: the Mediterranean experience

The Mediterranean region has an accumulated wealth of knowledge and experience in managing water scarcity through WDM and this may be useful to be shared with those who face similar problems and are willing to follow a similar pathway. This Technical Focus Paper is prepared by GWP and Plan Bleu with the aim of making this knowledge and experience accessible to policymakers at various levels, the water industry, and all relevant stakeholders in the international water community.

Interest in WDM is currently growing and the concept is widely discussed across the world. The Mediterranean region has an accumulated wealth of knowledge and experience in managing water scarcity through WDM and this may be useful to be shared with those who face similar problems and are willing to follow a similar pathway.

This Technical Focus Paper is prepared by GWP and Plan Bleu with the aim of making this knowledge and experience accessible to policymakers at various levels, the water industry, and all relevant stakeholders in the international water community. It provides a faithful picture of the Mediterranean co-operation process which has grown up around shared water-related challenges and presents specific examples of implementing WDM in certain Mediterranean countries.

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Plan Bleu
Building the Mediterannean’s future together
Plan Bleu