Toward green growth in Mediterranean countries

The report’s aim is to examine success stories from the Mediterranean countries that highlight the social returns to be obtained by mainstreaming the environment in the development agenda in the region and to review trade-offs, with a view to identifying policies that yield the highest net benefit. The report also intends to advance the ongoing debate among policy makers on potential green growth policies and investments, and on the policy mix that offers the greatest chance of maximizing the benefits of green policies. The 2012 MED Report includes an assessment of national strengths and priorities in environmental action.

This report is a publication of the Center for Mediterranean Integration (CMI) and was produced by a consortium led by the World Bank in partnership with the Agence Française de Développement (AFD), the European Investment Bank (EIB), Plan Bleu (UNEP/MAP regional activity center), and the Forum Euro-Méditerranéen des Instituts de Sciences Economiques (FEMISE).

English overview
French overview
Arabic overview

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Plan Bleu
Building the Mediterannean’s future together
Plan Bleu