Blue Economy in the Mediterranean. Policy paper

This policy paper sets forward a list of objectives and actions for promoting Blue Economy in the Mediterranean, based on the technical and policy results of the Blue Growth Community projects – iBlue, MAESTRALE, PELAGOS, PROteuS, 4Helix+, MISTRAL. Recommendations also include contributions from external key stakeholders collected during the “Transition towards blue and green economies in the Mediterranean” conference, held in Brussels 19-20 September 2019. Specific policy recommendations for the three focal sectors are developed, namely yachting, marine renewable energy and maritime surveillance.

The paper aims to integrated the recommendations of the Community on the basis of technical results, and to disseminate to strengthen knowledge-based policy-making to key external targets, among which the European Institutions, international and intergovernmental organizations, and multilevel territorial and sectoral actors.

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Plan Bleu
Building the Mediterannean’s future together
Plan Bleu