Technical report: Exploratory study on environmentally harmful subsidies in the Mediterranean

This exploratory study aims to raise awareness among decision-makers about environmentally harmful subsidies (EHS) in the Mediterranean, focusing on fishing and tourism. It highlights the diversity in definitions and methodologies surrounding EHS, complicating coordinated action for their reform. Estimates of EHS vary considerably and significantly surpass the investments in environmental protection. Despite international and regional agreements to reduce them, their impact persists, jeopardizing ecosystems and local livelihoods. The study emphasizes that for an effective reform, there is a need to increase data availability and extend the study to other sectors, while leveraging international events and tools for environmental fiscal reform. *

*The work for this study was conducted by Plan Bleu in 2021, with revisions in 2023.

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Plan Bleu
Building the Mediterannean’s future together
Plan Bleu