Ecosystem Restoration Best Practices Catalogue for the Mediterranean

The Interreg Med Mediterranean Biodiversity Protection Community (MBPC), in which Plan Bleu leads the capitalisation activities, has published the “Mediterranean ecosystems.

Restauration sites catalogue”. The Mediterranean region contains a wide variety of ecosystems, many of them modified along the centuries, and is considered a biodiversity hotspot facing the cumulative impacts of climate change and human activities.

Restoration is one of the Nature-based Solutions essential to ensure more resilient ecosystems capable of providing ecosystem services and goods across the Mediterranean. It is urgent to stir a fundamental transformative change that shifts our Mediterranean economies, policies, and mindsets to halt environmental loss and set nature on a path of recovery.

This document aims to contribute to the vision and the objectives of the United Nations Decade for the Restoration of Ecosystems by 2030 showcasing good practices resulting from the implementation of restoration programs and projects. It also aims at scaling up restoration efforts at all levels.

For this purpose, after a feasibility analysis on the information collected, ten case studies have been retained to be part of this publication. They highlight successful restoration activities implemented in the Mediterranean at various scales (between 5ha and 50000 ha of restored areas) in several Mediterranean forest, wetland, and coastal and marine ecosystems.

The selected best practices provide insights into the processes followed, lessons learned and conditions to make them transferable to other areas where restoration work might be foreseen.

This document is the result of a collaborative effort between the MBPC team, its modular projects and all the participants who kindly contributed sharing their experiences.

The document was officially released during the final event of the MBPC “The Mediterranean leading the way – A cooperative framework to strengthen area-based nature conservation actions”, which took place in Brussels from 2 to 4 November 2022.

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Plan Bleu
Building the Mediterannean’s future together
Plan Bleu