Join us at the “II MED Sustainable Tourism Convention” on June 8-9, 2022!

In the framework of the Interreg MED Sustainable Tourism Community(STC) project, Plan Bleu invites you to participate in the forthcoming “II MED Sustainable Tourism Convention” on June 8-9, 2022.


The MED Sustainable tourism Convention is the occasion for the Mediterranean tourism stakeholders to debate on key topics related to Sustainable Tourism in the region.

The event aims to promote the encounter of organisations, regions and experts of the tourism sector with different territorial cooperation projects of the MED Sustainable Tourism Community, bringing together their experiences andcontributing to a more sustainable and inclusive growth in the Mediterranean region.

Gloria Lazaro, Program Officer at Plan Bleu, will intervene during the Convention to explain the relevance of the STC achievements that will be reflected on the forthcoming report on best practices on capitalisation that showcase how the results of the STC have improved the public policies on tourism in Mediterranean destinations.

The Convention will be ahybridevent, gathering on site up to 150 representatives of the tourism sector that will attend by exclusive invitation, and live streamed for the public in an open platform.

Join us and follow this two-day eventin which we will open a debate on key topics to promote sustainable tourism in the Mediterranean area and showcase the tools and solutions developed by the projects of the community to face the current challenges in the Mediterranean.

More information is available here

To register online, clickhere

Plan Bleu
Building the Mediterannean’s future together
Plan Bleu