ReGoKo, Observatory and indicators of the environment and sustainable development, Tunisia

The Regional Project “Governance and Knowledge Development”, ReGoKo, managed by Plan Bleu of the Mediterranean Action Plan, MAP, funded through a gef grant, was developed to promote the integration of environmental issues into the sectoral and development policies of countries on the southern shore of the Mediterranean including Morocco and Tunisia.

The project has three components:

I. Component 1 – Governance (US$ 1.50 million or 50% of project costs) aims to promote dialogue, coordination, integration, and synergy between local, national and regional stakeholders on environmental issues.

II. Component 2 – Knowledge Development (US$ 1.26 million or 42% of project costs) aims to produce innovative knowledge on environmental issues.

III. Component 3 – Project Coordination and Management (US$ 0.24 million or 8% of project costs) will support Plan Bleu’s implementation of the project by funding the additional operating costs related to project coordination and management and ensuring the completion of project audits.

This report is the synthesis of the general report of the Tunisian test of sustainable development indicators of the United Nations. This project was led by the Tunisian Environmental Observatory for Sustainable Development (OTED), with the collaboration of IFEN and Plan Bleu. Tunisia’s commitment to sustainable development is now a major national choice. The objective of OTED is to provide the Tunisian public authorities with a tool for continuous monitoring of the state of the environment and monitoring of sustainable development indicators.

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Plan Bleu
Building the Mediterannean’s future together
Plan Bleu