Integrated regional assessments in support of ICZM in the Mediterranean and Black Sea Basins

This publication aims to guide a number of stakeholders on how to promote integrated approaches in the assessment of coastal and marine ecosystems to develop strategies and plans for their sustainable management.

This publication was published by the Intergovernmental Oceanographic Commission of UNESCO,as part of the PEGASO project. It aims to guide a number of actors on how to promote integrated approaches in the assessment of coastal and marine ecosystems to develop strategies and plans for their sustainable management.

Funded by the European Union under the 7th Framework Programme for Research and Development, the main objective of the PEGASO project was to support the implementation of the ICZM Protocol for the Mediterranean (UNEP/MAP, Barcelona Convention) and to support the development of a similar policy instrument for the countries bordering the Black Sea. PEGASO has succeeded in building a bridge between science and policy processes by providing easy-to-use tools for users, with a view to helping them make science-based decisions promoting the sustainable development of the coastal and marine areas of these two basins.

Plan Bleu was one of the contributors to this publication.

For bibliographical purposes, this document should be cited as follows:
Santoro F., Lescrauwaet A.K., Taylor J., Breton F. (eds). Integrated Regional Assessments in support of ICZM in the Mediterranean and Black Sea Basins. Paris, Intergovernmental Oceanographic Commission of UNESCO, 2014. 84 pp. (IOC Technical Series, 111; IOC/2014/TS/111).


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