Horizon 2020 Mediterranean report – Toward shared environmental information systems

Plan Bleu contributed to this report that is a joint effort of the EEA and UNEP/MAP resulting from the creation of a regular review mechanism of environmental progress in the three H2020 policy priorities; municipal waste, urban waste water and industrial pollution.

Other recent publications


“Zoom On”: Fishing Subsidies and Their Impacts on Marine Ecosystem Health

Plan Bleu is launching a special “Zoom On” collection dedicated to environmentally harmful subsidies. Eight Policy Papers are currently supported by Plan Bleu and will

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Zoom On : Female labor force participation and energy subsidies in the Mediterranean

Plan Bleu is launching a special “Zoom On” collection dedicated to environmentally harmful subsidies. Eight “Policy Papers” are currently supported by Plan Bleu for publication

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Opportunities and risks of desalination activities in the Mediterranean in the face of climate change and growing water needs

The Mediterranean Basin is a hotspot for climate change. The effects of this on the availability of water resources, which are already highly unequal depending

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Plan Bleu
Building the Mediterannean’s future together
Plan Bleu