Science-policy interfaces for environmental governance in the Mediterranean

Science-policy interfaces (SPIs) are tools that can be used to improve environmental conservation and management in the Mediterranean region. However, in order to do so, a shared understanding of the concept needs to be established, and current gaps need to be identified. This document is based on the work of several institutions, including Plan Bleu, […]

Science-Policy Interface (SPI) to support monitoring implementation plans as well as sub-regional and regional policy developments regarding EcAp clusters on pollution, contaminants & eutrophication, marine biodiversity & fisheries, coast & hydrography

This new report provides Mediterranean stakeholders with key recommendations and conclusions that emerge from three workshops to support the roadmap for the implementation of Ecosystem Approach (EcAp) and of Integrated Monitoring and Assessment Programme of the Mediterranean Sea and Coast (IMAP) decision by strengthening SPI.

Strengthen, structure and sustain a Science Policy Interface (SPI) for IMAP implementation in the Mediterranean

Contracting Parties have committed to implementing EcAp with the ultimate objective of achieving Good Environmental Status (GES) of the Mediterranean Sea and coast. GES has been defined through eleven Ecological Objectives (EO) often grouped in three clusters and twenty-eight corresponding operational objectives. There is an increasing necessity for a clearer identification of policy-related knowledge needs, […]

Meeting of the Ecosystem Approach Coordination Group

In accordance with the UNEP/MAP Programme of Work 2016-2017 adopted by the 19th Ordinary Meeting of the Contracting Parties to the Barcelona Convention and its Protocols, Athens, Greece, 9-12th February 2016, the Secretariat has organized the Meeting of the Ecosystem Approach Coordination Group on 11 September 2017, in Athens, Greece.   The main objectives of […]

Marine environment

Towards ecosystem-based management of the Mediterranean Sea The Contracting Parties to the Action Plan for the Mediterranean (PAM) have committed in 2008 of the application of the ecosystem approach (ECAP) to the management of human activities and defined a roadmap adopted at the COP18 in 2013, to achieve a common vision: a healthy Mediterranean with […]

The Mediterranean Sea and climate change: common challenges and shared solutions

LabexMed organized in collaboration with Plan Bleu, SPA/RAC, MedPAN and MedECC, an international workshop on Climate Change in the Mediterranean that was held in Marseille, France, the 25th and 26th of September 2019. The workshop aimed to propose research orientations and joint lines of action for the future between scientists, managers and decision-makers.

Joint Workshop on Science Policy Interface (SPI) strengthening and Ecosystem Approach Coordination Group Meeting on IMAP scales of monitoring and assessment, including the next QSR


The meeting, that was held in Nice on 27th and 28th April 2017, allowed to share best practices, to present efforts of Contracting Parties for IMAP implementation at national scales, to encourage discussion and meeting recommendations regarding elaboration of efficient spatial and temporal scales for monitoring and assessment.