Marine Renewable Energy in the Mediterranean

Marine renewable energies include all the technologies that make it possible to produce electricity from different forces or resources in the marine environment: offshore wind, swell, currents, tides, the temperature gradient and salinity gradient. Harnessing Marine Renewable Energy (MRE) potential in the Mediterranean is crucial to contributing to the global and European efforts towards decarbonization, […]

EcAP Science-Policy Interface (SPI) Brief

Achieving the Good Environmental Status of the Mediterranean marine and coastal ecosystems – this is the goal of the Ecosystem Approach, a strategy initiated by the Barcelona Convention UNEP/MAP. The success of this approach will largely depend on how well scientists and decision makers interact in monitoring and assessing the status of ecosystems to elaborate […]

The economic value of sustainable benefits rendered by the Mediterranean marine ecosystems

Dans ce cahier, le Plan Bleu propose une estimation économique des contributions des écosystèmes marins au bien-être des individus sous forme de services écologiques (ex : production de ressources alimentaires, énergétiques, fournitures d’aménités…). Cette étude exploratoire et novatrice au sens où elle ne retient que la part soutenable des bénéfices provenant des écosystèmes marins méditerranéens. […]

State of the Mediterranean marine and coastal environment

This report “State of the Mediterranean Marine and Coastal Environment” published by UNEP/MAP (Mediterranean Action Plan) to which Plan Bleu has contributedn, provides information on the overall nature of Mediterranean ecosystems and defines pressures affecting the state of Mediterranean’s environment, to which 21 countries have coast. It also offers detailed information on the vital services […]