
PERMAGOV : Improving the PERformance of MArine GOVernance in support of the EU green deal Water Sustainable development Key figures Project duration: January 1, 2023 to December 31, 2026 Budget : 4 919 744 € LINKS Social media : Twitter et LinkedIn Website : Contact Antoine Lafitte The European Green Deal aims to tackle […]

Mediterranean Strategy for sustainable development follow-up: main indicators – 2013 update

The “indicator” fact-sheets, carried out in the framework of the monitoring of the Mediterranean Strategy for Sustainable Development (MSSD), are intended to provide a first answer to the question: “Are the Mediterranean countries progressing towards sustainable development?”. The factsheets concern the 34 priority indicators selected in MSSD to monitor the progress made by the Mediterranean […]

Stakeholder Newsbrief : MSSD review – n°1 – July 2014

This First issue of Stakeholder Newsbrief summarises the outcome of the MSSD review consultation process (Phase 1 of the review) undertaken in April-May 2014 and shows how this consultation informed the discussion on structure and vision.

Mediterranean Strategy for Sustainable Development 2016-2025: Investing in environmental sustainability to achieve social and economic development

MSSD 2016-2025 is the result of over two years of intensive collaborative work within the MAP system. The review of the 2005 MSSD was led by the Mediterranean Commission on Sustainable Development (MCSD) with the assistance of the Secretariat to the Barcelona Convention (Coordinating Unit of the Mediterranean Action Plan – UNEP/MAP) through its Plan […]

Promoting sustainable and inclusive tourism in the Mediterranean: Guidelines for a Sustainable Tourism in the Mediterranean

Tourism, a major economic sector in the Mediterranean, generating social and environmental impacts, and potentially victim of its success…… Over time the Mediterranean region has developed a unique blend of tourism activities related with sea and coastal areas, health, sports, nature, business, culture, offering consistent employment (11,5% of total employment) and wealth (11,3% of regional […]