Greening the Mediterranean fisheries: tentative assessment of the economic leeway

This new technical report on the Mediterranean fisheries aims to present the current economic and social value of marine fisheries to the Mediterranean region and, more innovative, to estimate the sector’s full potential economic and social value if it were managed optimally, with a view to maximizing the benefits that could be derived from marine […]

Methods and tools for socio-economic assessment of goods and services provided by Mediterranean forest ecosystems

Plan Bleu coordinated the preparation of this report produced by EFIMED (Mediterranean Regional Office of the European Forest Institute)and the CTFC (Forest Science Centre of Catalonia), in the framework of the project ” Optimising the production of goods and services by Mediterranean woodland ecosystems in a context of global change“. Methodological sheets are also available. […]

Guidelines for national Economic and Social Analysis of Mediterranean marine ecosystems

This report results from the work conducted by the Plan Bleu as part of the initial economic and social analysis of the EcAp project, Ecosystem Approach for the Management of human activities, coordinated by the Coordinating Unit of the MAP. It is intended to provide guidance to national authorities of Mediterranean countries in charge to […]

Guidelines for national Economic and Social Analysis of Mediterranean marine ecosystems

This report results from the work conducted by the Plan Bleu as part of the initial economic and social analysis of the EcAp project, Ecosystem Approach for the Management of human activities, coordinated by the Coordinating Unit of the MAP. It is intended to provide guidance to national authorities of Mediterranean countries in charge to […]

Economic and social analysis of marine and coastal ecosystems in the Mediterranean

A growing perception of the crucial role of marine and coastal ecosystems in the supply of goods and services that contribute to present and future human wellbeing and a recognition of the impact of human activities on these ecosystems have inspired the fight to protect them. The social and economic analysis of ecosystem services and […]