FFEM project – Component 2

FFEM project – Component 2 Forest Objective This project’s component aims at assessing the socio-economic value of goods and services provided by Mediterranean forest ecosystems, in order to help stakeholders in the decision process, and to reinforce the actions taken toward sustainable management of forest ecosystems. Learn more Mediterranean forests:Towards a better recognition of the […]


Med-IAMER Marine environment Key figures Budget : 353 653 EurosDuration : May 2014 – May 2015 Partners European Topic Centre for Spatial Information and Analysis at the University of Málaga (Spain) AVITEM University of Thessaly (Greece) Contacts Dr Céline Dubreuil-Imbert Antoine Lafitte More information MED Programme Med-IAMER The objective is to provide an integrated environmental […]

Mediterranean marine ecosystems, economic value of sustainable benefits

Mediterranean marine ecosystems, economic value of sustainable benefits Political science interface Key figures Low estimate of the sustainable benefits: 26 billion € (2005) – Fisheries and aquaculture: 11% – Tourism and recreational activities: 68% – Climate regulation: 8% – Coastal protection: 2% – Liquid waste treatment: 10% Partners AECID, AFD, RAC-SPA, ENSSMAL, FFEM, Ifremer, Laboratoire […]

FFEM project – Component 3: Improve modes of governance of forest ecosystems at territorial scale

FFEM project – Component 3: Improve modes of governance of forest ecosystems at territorial scale Forêts Partners Agence Française de Développement French Global Environment Facility Secretariat of FAO Committee Silva Mediterranea French Ministry of Agriculture, Agrifood and Forestry German Cooperation (GIZ) Forest Sciences Centre of Catalonia COFOR-International Goal The third component of this project aims […]

BleuTourMed – Maritime and Coastal Sustainable Tourism in the Mediterranean

BleuTourMed – Maritime and Coastal Sustainable Tourism in the Mediterranean Sustainable Tourism Community (2019-2022) Plan Bleu’s main responsibilities Plan Bleu is responsible of BleuTourMed’s Capitalisation activities, which are the following: Matching Modular Projects’ Priorities on Sustainable Tourism with target groups expectations; Mapping major challenges for a sustainable tourism transition in the Mediterranean; Capitalising around Modular […]